Philosphical Writings

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Dreams, Visions, and Myths: Making Sense of Our World

From Poseidon’s mastery over the waters to the Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals, myths and legends are a hallmark of human culture. No matter where we were born, where we grew up and how our personal beliefs have ultimately evolved, we hold dear the myths that once shaped our world and create new ones to [...]

By | 2023-02-14T15:42:48+00:00 February 5th, 2014|Psychological Writings|Comments Off on Dreams, Visions, and Myths: Making Sense of Our World

Oneness: A Global Connection

“In some mysterious way, woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In physical terms, I move through them; yet in metaphysical ones, they seem to move through me.” ~ John Fowles When we connect with the world around us we become unified in the wholeness of all. Our human existence is intimately [...]

By | 2017-08-30T18:45:31+00:00 December 29th, 2013|Philosophical Writings|Comments Off on Oneness: A Global Connection

The Wise Woman’s Stone

A wise old woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day, she met another traveler who was hungry. The wise old woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She [...]

By | 2017-05-19T20:51:38+00:00 September 9th, 2013|Philosophical Writings|Comments Off on The Wise Woman’s Stone