Embracing Cosmic Uncertainty
The universe operates in mysterious ways. We understand little of the workings of the cosmos—we cannot tell how much dark matter exists, what black holes are about, or what else is out there, just yet. [...]
Dreams, Visions, and Myths: Making Sense of Our World
From Poseidon’s mastery over the waters to the Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals, myths and legends are a hallmark of human culture. No matter where we were born, where we grew up and how our [...]
Oneness: A Global Connection
“In some mysterious way, woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In physical terms, I move through them; yet in metaphysical ones, they seem to move through me.” ~ John Fowles When [...]
Creative News

Wordpress News
Embracing Cosmic Uncertainty
The universe operates in mysterious ways. We understand little of the workings of the cosmos—we cannot tell how much dark matter exists, what black holes are about, or what else is out there, just yet. And because we have no idea how the universe was formed, or how it has changed and evolved, we cannot predict its ultimate fate, control [...]
Photography News
Embracing Cosmic Uncertainty
The universe operates in mysterious ways. We understand little of the workings of the cosmos—we cannot tell how much dark matter exists, what black holes are about, or what else is out there, just yet. [...]
Dreams, Visions, and Myths: Making Sense of Our World
From Poseidon’s mastery over the waters to the Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals, myths and legends are a hallmark of human culture. No matter where we were born, where we grew up and how our [...]
Oneness: A Global Connection
“In some mysterious way, woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In physical terms, I move through them; yet in metaphysical ones, they seem to move through me.” ~ John Fowles When [...]
The Magic of Awe
Thunderstorms casting long shadows on the horizon as the continents come alive with lights; the line separating day from night as it moves slowly across the Earth’s surface; the dancing curtains of auroras as [...]