Embracing Cosmic Uncertainty
The universe operates in mysterious ways. We understand little of the workings of the cosmos—we cannot tell how much dark matter exists, what black holes are about, or what else is out there, just yet. [...]
Dreams, Visions, and Myths: Making Sense of Our World
From Poseidon’s mastery over the waters to the Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals, myths and legends are a hallmark of human culture. No matter where we were born, where we grew up and how our [...]
Oneness: A Global Connection
“In some mysterious way, woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In physical terms, I move through them; yet in metaphysical ones, they seem to move through me.” ~ John Fowles When [...]
The Magic of Awe
Thunderstorms casting long shadows on the horizon as the continents come alive with lights; the line separating day from night as it moves slowly across the Earth’s surface; the dancing curtains of auroras as [...]
The Virtue of Acceptance
“Fulfilled life is possible in spite of unfulfilled wishes.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer No doubt that all of us, at some stage in our lives, have wanted something that we never received — leaving us emotionally [...]
A Season of Change
For thousands of years, not much changed for ancient man. He plodded through a world as crude as that of his forefathers – until the day he invented fire. One moment of progress led to [...]
Is Pain Essential to Personal Growth?
Do we need to experience pain in order to grow? Whether physical or emotional, pain is part of the human experience. All emotions that cause pain, from shame and guilt to anger and anxiety, are [...]
The Magic of Giving Subtle Guidance to Others
We all need a helping hand at one time or another, but a light touch is required to keep good intentions from backfiring. Recent psychological studies confirm ancient teachings about the wisdom of being [...]
The Joy in Letting Go
What we become depends upon what we overcome. Hardships; Struggle; Pain; Grief; Loneliness; Hurt; Anger — it’s in times like these that it’s worth remembering there have always been times like these. Our human species [...]
Benefits of Meditation – What Science Tells Us
Yogi’s have been sharing their knowledge and teachings of meditation for thousands of years. It’s only in the last few decades, however, that the West has truly embraced this practice — for the benefits it [...]