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The Joy in Letting Go
What we become depends upon what we overcome. Hardships; Struggle; Pain; Grief; Loneliness; Hurt; Anger — it’s in times like these that it’s worth remembering there have always been times like these. Our human species [...]
Benefits of Meditation – What Science Tells Us
Yogi’s have been sharing their knowledge and teachings of meditation for thousands of years. It’s only in the last few decades, however, that the West has truly embraced this practice — for the benefits it [...]
The Wise Woman’s Stone
A wise old woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day, she met another traveler who was hungry. The wise old woman opened her bag to [...]
Sacred Mayan ☼ Sun ☼ Meditation
As the sun stretches over to greet us in the America’s, here’s a sacred Mayan Sun Meditation to start off your day. It is best practiced early, as the sun begins to rise. Call in [...]